Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Brand new tuesday

First the fore most i would like to thank all viewer for reading my blog post with great patience , after so many post of my boring side of life well , i guess its time for the brand new way to writing my post , every single day including public holiday , i do stun , and i hope to post those stun in my blog as well =) .

well today wasn't really count as a busy day , i just spend around 4 hrs upon completing the task given by regent , and i cant stood there and do nothing , so what to do ? , i started by drawing something on the white board that led to a series of incident , kinda like a real life comic strips.

wow the ZZZ is in place =p

the white board is really marker drawn , i only enhance the picture with some photoshop to spice up the picture =p. well now u know taking a nap during working hours is wrong avoid doing it , or do or don't get caught =) .

well the above picture was taken during noon time , no human or living things were hurt during the shots =)

haha oh come on its not that I'm slacking ok its really nothing much to do , well lesson learn la don't do things so fast >.<

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