Saturday, December 29, 2007

updating sunday

haha , it was shopping day on saturday !!! , well , when shopping with my galfrenss , so fun , we were supposed to meet at orchard mrt around 12 pm , but well llx always been a late , so i still manage to reach orchard mrt at 12.45 , since the last sms to HL saying she just reach bishan mrt at 12.35pm . anyway they still manage to reach orchard before 1pm , wahaha ...

what i hate about shopping during weekends is , theres plenty of kids running around like terrorist , screaming on top of their voices before denonate themself =..= in train .

met them at orchard station , and still got a strong feeling that we were on the same train , but they slowly manoeuvre themself up the crowd . then i hand over the big stack of voucher which i intend to give it away , but as u all may realise , it happens that those voucher is kinda useless as most of the store are having up to 40 to 70% off , where as my voucher has 20% on net item . well , who cares since its shopping day and i haven been shopping even during christmas!! darn ! .

our first stop , was TOPmen for me and TOPshop for the girls , but , its really unfair to see so many offers on the TOPshop area and its like not much of a lively place to be in TOPmen , theres all net prices everywhere , after some touching here and there , none of it draws my attention , when i went up to topshop to see hows the gals going , well , basically , theres plenty of women there pushing one another on thoses clothing , well , include my fren , but too bad , she say theres so many cloths but over budget la , well gals i have to say , u gals have much more to choose from as compared to we guys , and futher more , the range of prices to choose from is always better than us . without buying anything from topshop/men , we move on to find the atm , and it was on the end of taka , and on our way there we drop by FOX, my purpose was to purchase the buttonshirt that i saw a week ago , and it was 59.90 net price and the store is having 40% offer ! , well which makes it to be around 35 dollar , cool right , but sad to say , i cant find the shirt i wanted , than we move on to the Atm and stand there while HL when to withdraw the money , we move to ZARA at taka , theres so many people there , llx saw a few shirt and stomping around those 29.90 and 19.90 cloths area , and manage to find a few she fancy , as for me i just head on to the mens department and select some button-shirt , theres so many to choose from , i went to seek help to the gals , well , they say the vertical lining shirt makes me look longer , so i avoid it and move on to see some of the plain white , brown and blue . but sad to say , most of the shirt there were L or XL , the brown shirt were the only shirt i saw install to have S . and i grab an S and L to see the difference , and went to que . well basically i prefered the brown one S , the shoulder lenght of the shirt matches mine , as for the L , well its longer , a lot longer haha , so i decided to buy the turkey made shirt , which cost me 59.90 ! omg well let say its for newyear ! wahaha , the usual price for it were 89.90 . so its kinda good bargain , for me . as i bought a similar shirt at pull and bear for 79.90 for my cousin wedding , i was disappointed to see my shirt on offer and its now 59.90 ! omg ! at pull and bear , but lucky theres only 1 shirt left wahaha . llx bought her orange 19.90 and HL bought her blue 19.90 shirt . which had a hole on it wahaha . After which we went to eat at cine the jap food at and i bought a strawberrycheesecake thingy , and god , it went down nicely after after 30mins , well , it turn disgusting ! and i feel like puking ! i wonder why , but lucky i didnt puke and , i did burb after around 30mins =). well i hate strawberry cheese cake from now onwards !! yucks .

and thanks to that cheesecake i forgot all about my jeans that i was supposed to buy =.= but oh well i think i still have my chances to get them along with flip flops =p . i ended up buying my shirt from zara only >.<

oh its time for me to go cut my hair . get a fresh haircut for the brand new year !

adv happynew year everyone XD!!!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

boring friday

well , im updating my blog in the office ^^

and darn that stupit hongkong dunno what company keep calling me for godsake and ask me to take part in dunno what stupid competition , well get alive !! , scamer !

anyway , do the question below , and see how 幸福!


談戀愛讓人感覺愉快和浪漫,不過跟你談戀愛很幸福嗎?進入你的潛意識來測驗一下跟你談戀愛到底 會有多幸福? 題目:四款同價格的泰迪熊,上面刺著不同的字樣你只能買一隻,你會買哪一隻? 1.友情。 2.祝福。 3.摯愛。 4.謝謝

解析: 1.選「友情」的朋友你會希望跟對方一起成長讓對方有變聰明的幸福。幸福指數55%:這類型的人覺得兩個人 在一起除了甜言蜜語之外,還會把情人當成自己最好的朋友,希望雙方一起去學習一些課程,例如心靈課程或繪畫 等等,他覺得這種交往過程會讓雙方更甜蜜而且可以一起成長。 2.選「祝福」的朋友妳太包容對方以放縱的方式讓對方享受自由的幸福。幸福指數80%:這類型的人很小孩子 氣,當他愛上一個人時會自動把眼睛弄瞎,會對對方非常包容和放縱,只要對方快樂就好,即使自己犧牲也無所謂 。 3.選「摯愛」的朋友你把對方伺候的無微不至讓對方以為在幸福天堂裡。幸福指數99%:這類型的人只要戀愛 對象是自己非常愛的人時就會無怨無悔的付出,再加上他很喜歡照顧對方,會由內到外把對方打理的很好,不但自 己有一種成就感,對方也會有一種宛若天堂的感覺,覺得跟他談戀愛實在太幸福了。 4.選「謝謝」的朋友你太孩子氣偶爾還會鬧脾氣讓對方覺得不太幸福喔。幸福指數20%:這類型的人會讓跟他 談戀愛的對象覺得很頭痛,一點都沒有幸福的感覺,永遠像是要哄一個小孩子或潑猴,永遠都搞不定他,因此讓對 方覺得兩人在一起好像是在地獄。

and my answer is 2 !! wahaha lolz =..=V

Thursday, December 20, 2007


well well well , its season times again , Christmas draw near and , whats more , i shall gives my greeting to my Family and Friends ! , although its like kinda early , but well , i believe it doesn't matter if its early or late , its what the heart that counts =)

I wish that all of my family and friends have a wonderful christmas , and thanks for being there for me when im a jerk , enjoy having fun and making fun of u GUYS Throughout this year ! looking forward for 2008 !

happiness and sad , ups and downs , but hey , its all in the mind , smile because we care~

a warm and happy Christmas and a brand new year !

presents? anyone =X

well i better hope Santa wont be visiting Singapore , well u must be wondering why?

first reason ? its not really polite for Santa to be coming down the conventional way , down the chimney , in Singapore , Santa comes down somewhere when we throw our rubbish legal from huge height and not getting fine from it , and its not really nice for our fat and chubby Santa to rub his red cloths along that area do we?

and theres another reason , with technologies advancing , and with Cisco as an leading house to house security system , everyone wanna keep the unwanted guest and wanted guest out of the house

but Santa , i know its hard but , do come by Singapore , i wanna prove to my friends that u exists , i saw u hugging my mom few years ago , as years goes by and i get older , i don't get to see u anymore =X

anyway , cheers for 2008 , a more clean and green world ! support pure energy .

Monday, December 10, 2007

wet monday

I was doing some random forum reading and found this post , just copy paste its content and put here =x go do it , well my 年代 is 唐朝 =X































这是个美好和天真的时代,传说那时的人们都纯洁高尚、没有险恶的勾心斗角,大家幸福地生活在一起。相应地, 你是个充满梦想的孩子,不管实际年龄如何,至少现在你的心理年龄很年轻,可能在18岁以下。你相信世界的美 好,喜欢“从此王子和公主幸福地生活在一起了”的结局,然而世界真的是你想象的那样子吗?


战国时代是一个比较复杂的时期,这一时期既充满战乱,又充满各种思想的火花,尽管有许多残酷的事,但高尚与 优雅在这一时期依然受到很强的推崇。你是个不安于现状的人,过久的和平让你感到厌倦,也许偶尔你因此会被冠 上“好战”的名号,但其实你只是讨厌沉闷罢了。你有脱离现实和在意形式的一面,美丽的事物对你 很有吸引力。


比起同处战乱年代的战国时期来,这是一个更不择手段的年代。你喜欢竞争,好胜心强,充沛的精力让你对各种有 挑战性的事都很感兴趣。但与战国时代不同的是,和“美”这种抽象的东西相比你更注重现实,即使你是一个很道 德的人,也不喜欢把道德挂在嘴边,在你看来,能验证一切的只有行动。


魏晋时代的特点之一是种种颓废的风气,由于经历的苦难太多,人们变得开始不相信现实,感到在这无常的世界中 ,一切都是不可*的。生活在这一时代的你,同样是个喜欢怀疑的人,有时甚至怀疑自己的存在。你对世界持悲观 的看法,现实对你来说常常是令人悲哀和无能为力的。但这并不意味着你是个消沉的人,所谓绝望的顶点是乐观, 你只是比别人更清楚地看到了世界灰暗的一面而已。


唐朝是安定和繁荣的时代,无论文化还是财富都达到了太平盛世的顶峰。生活在这个时代的你,内心也是安稳的, 你喜欢平静的生活,个性温和成熟,具有较强的包容心。你应该经历过一些小的苦恼,但却没有遭受过太大的打击 ,可以说你是个幸福的人,也会给你身边的人带来幸福。


套用《双城记》里的那句话,这是个光明的年代,也是个黑暗的年代,我们的前方有着一切,我们又一无所有。你 或许正处在思想上的转变期,一些事让你对过去的自己发生了怀疑,决定重新调整一下自己的生活方式。走过这段 路之后,一切会变得更好的。


你简直就是为我们的这个时代而生的!你并非不知道这世上有许多不尽人意之处,但你能把它们作为生活的一部分 来接受下来,这让你过得很好。你不喜欢纷争,也会尽量避免不必要的纷争。尽管有些事依然会困扰你,但基本上 说来你对现代社会里的种种问题多数能应付的比较好,也懂得如何在这纷繁的世界里找到自己的位置,这说明你是 个成熟且适应力强的人。



Wednesday, December 5, 2007

drenched wednesday !

well boy todays a wet day , but I'm gonna update my blog now XD

its about me ! in Chinese thou I'm sorry for those who cant read Chinese =X and here goes

well as u can see I'm an Aquarius , people say i'm strange , but im just different thats all XD .

首先是水瓶座 ,思想前衛又充滿好奇心,對於感情的忠誠度,若要探測他們的喜新厭舊程度,得看看他的伴侶是否每次見面都讓他有全新的感受,還要懂得做個有點黏又不太黏的的情人。因為這種類型的人,喜新厭舊程度是隨著心情而定,跟他們做朋友比做戀人有趣得多。

(well i wonder who wrote this , but its explain it all , so i no need to explain any further). only one thing that i should stress out , and that is im interested in interesting stuff , things thats boring , i wont be even looking at it =p



(well thats me , haha 99% true about this one ,) im ambitions , and tend to have a bit of perfectionist in it =p , and did i mention im evil ? , well im evil

for this topic 男生對於專情二字的定義

and my result was

well i wonder if thats positive or negative . anyway i just don't prefer to be too sticky.

well it comes to hairstyle :
水 瓶 座 的 男 女 都 十 分 喜 歡 把 髮 型 轉 來 轉 去 , 他 們 鍾 意 利 用 護 髮 用 品 、gel 等 , 搞 到 自 己 古 靈 精 怪 , 這 樣 會 令 到 自 己 和 別 人 都 有 新 鮮 感 !

haha , agreed , i wont stick to my hairstyle for more den 1 year =p

next would be taboo for relationship .水瓶座的男生最討厭女朋友管…規定一堆限制自由。
水瓶座的男生很尊重另一半,也很聽另一半的話,對於女朋友的要求他會一一做到,但是他也會因此而痛苦,他會 覺得從此自己人生失去了自由,如果另一半不管他,他反而會有自己的分寸。

(pretty much said what was meant . haha i love my freedom =p)

how to get me pissed? theres ways , and well basically Wilson mastered it all =..=V



非常重視修養的水瓶座,是不會與人正面衝突的。但是他會計算合作夥伴存在的必要性。面對工作的不順心,瓶瓶 通常會選擇逃避。被動的瓶子,不喜歡別人催促他工作,也不喜歡被別人探究隱私。因此和瓶子工作,最好保持適 當的距離,不要過問他的私事,想要掌握他的工作進度是不可能的,把他逼急了,不會怎麼樣,只是會找不到他而 已。


(haha u cant find me =p . well Wilson read that its important .)

別因為一些書上說水瓶座具有人道精神、淡薄名利,就以為他不會打小報告,相反的,水瓶座可能是風象星座中最 有可能打小報告的星座,而且往往以他純真而無辜的神情來騙取老師的信任;不過瓶子並非真的那麼賤,他愛抓扒 的原因主要來自於「唯恐天下不亂」的變態心理。

oh come on im not tt變態 la , but im really 唯恐天 下不亂 !


well seems interesting

水瓶座不太喜歡被人佔有,嘴裡常說不在乎但事實上他卻很在意對方,這一點常常讓情人覺得不太公 平

lolz 28% , well it reflect on my 自由 ! haha


wah! well what can i say , im just one of the thick skin group of people XD


well i don't know why it was posted tt way , but im very forgetful ehem*


水瓶的你對愛情很有主見,白色或米白色都是你的桃花顏色,家裡窗戶要常常敞開,窗簾則以天藍色最優,在床頭 放一盞可愛的米色小台燈,可增加你吸引人的魅力。

well did i mention im painting my room white soon XD hope it helps lor =x

over all , what can i say , its been , its kinda simple update of who i really am , hope u all could have a better understanding of who i am and why im like tt ( thick skin ) =)